Saturday, April 19, 2014

RCRW May 2014 Workshop

Following the 10:00AM General Meeting of the Rose City Romance Writers 

May 10, 2014 
11:00AM- 12:30PM

Anatomy of an Emotionally Escalating Romance
Presented by Linda Needham

One of the first rules we learn as romance writers is that the Emotional Conflict between the hero and heroine must not only be compelling enough to carry the relationship through the story, but that the Emotional Conflict must also escalate exponentially. Whaaaaa? Tough stuff, because if your reader fails to comprehend how the hero & heroine feel about the dangers that threaten the romance, the high-risk decisions they are forced to make, or the personal consequences of their individual actions, then your story will fail to incite the emotion necessary to sell your next book (which is the point, right?)

In this hands-on workshop you’ll learn how to enrich your external plot with a powerfully escalating emotional journey guaranteed to provoke your readers with angst, arouse them with meaning and make them first-in-line readers for your next book and every book that follows.

Linda Needham – USA Today bestselling author of ten historical romances -- launched her writing career in early grade school, the moment she realized she could use her crayons to create her own stories. After joining RWA and Portland’s Cascade Chapter in 1988, finaling in the Golden Heart in 1989, winning for Long Historical in 1995 and selling to Avon Books that same year, Linda considers herself a poster-girl for RWA. She currently writes full time from her home in the hills north of Hillsboro, OR, where she also writes plays and musicals, gardens, tap dances, spoils her two grandkids, takes extended research treks with her husband and blazes trails through their 5-acre woodland with their Portuguese Water Dog.

Visitors Requested Donation of $10

12000 SW 49th Ave, Portland, OR 97219
Room:  ST101 (Science and Technology Building -Room 101- Multimedia Auditorium)

For More Information about Rose City Romance Writers

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