Monday, March 24, 2014

RCRW April 2014 Workshop

Following the 10:00AM General Meeting of the Rose City Romance Writers 

April 12, 2014 
11:00AM- 12:30PM

A Dynamic Presentation by the Oregon Regency Society
Static display of a Regency Era costume displayed on a dress form, a writing slope with quill and ink, a few costuming books and a tea caddy with a tea set, and some period correct fabrics.

sponsored by the Oregon Regency Society

The Oregon Regency Society’s primary aim is to unite the groups and individuals dedicated to the appreciation of Jane Austen, Lord Byron, Beau Brummell, groups for English Country and Regency Dance, people that read and write Regency Romance, costumers specializing in Regency garments, and Historic reenactors and enthusiasts and so much more. We partake in events, workshops and educational opportunities to broaden our view of this all-too-short period in history. We celebrate the customs and costume of the time, and encourage all of our members to bring their own unique knowledge and skills to the table to share with others.;

Visitors Requested Donation of $10

12000 SW 49th Ave, Portland, OR 97219
Room:  ST101 (Science and Technology Building -Room 101- Multimedia Auditorium)

For More Information about Rose City Romance Writers

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