Saturday, April 23, 2011

Speed Date Pitching

I've never been speed dating, so found this version quite interesting. Kim handed us all 3 blue tickets and we lined up for the chance to spend 5 minutes with the industry gurus.

After sitting down and convincing the editor or agent that our story was the next best thing, we surrendered a ticket and went on to our next 'date'. After three dates...if we still wanted more action, we could get more tickets and move to the back of the line.

These dates weren't just for selling a book. Many of our members took the opportunity to discuss the industry and career strategy.

While speed dating did have an element of hurry up and wait, everyone said they really appreciated the relaxed atmosphere and having enough time with the gurus to have an actual conversation.

Plus - there were LOTS of requests. I see a string of sales in the future for RCRW!

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