Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Blegging By Suzanne Macpherson

Suzanne is ~~writing something completely different and amazing.
Mood~~ Indigo for Imagination and Chinese Red for Lucky Days

I invented a new word~~ blegging. Definition: Begging your friends to visit your blogs. It's actually coming in handy.

My pal Jenny Gardiner spent her year on The Debutante Ball, a super blog spot, and it got so she didn't have to Bleg anyone to visit. A new group of Deb's has taken over and she's moved on to Channeling Erma, where I joined her, being an Erma Bombeck Devotee. We are a group of moms who also write, share stories about our kids, and laugh at life, much like Erma.

I think its very interesting to watch the development of blog concepts, who they attract, and how they do or don't survive. I've got a blog I've rarely used but lately have been trying to update. As I wrote on Blondie Blogs one day, when it comes to personal blogs its not about the mindmushing details of life, its a slice of the adventure, a thought run wild, an article in the making. We have these little minutes of the day. How about we make them amazing and uplifting! The line from A League of Their Own comes to mind. "No Crying in Baseball!"

That said, I'm on the search for some out of the ordinary blogs, and here's one I found: The Writer's Journey, which is a blog by a freelance writer I can't seem to identify. He/She has some great links to other sites
And no I don't think its Chris Vogler's blog. But do read the article -
Wash That Blank Right Out of Your Screen

I stumbled across Nathan Bransford's blog which is a gem of information and his adventures as a literary agent. It's a must. Nathan attended the SF RWA convention this summer and came away a wiser man. He is based in California.

That's more than anyone should be doing on a computer, so fold this away in your fun file and have at it when you are tempted to play online tic tac toe instead of learn or laugh.



Jenny Gardiner said...

I do so love your "blegging" moniker. It's so true!
And thanks for the great plug, what wonderful timing--I just started my own itty bitty blog as well! It's called: Play the Ball Where the Monkey Drops It
and you can find it here:


so stop on by to visit (and no, I'm not blegging!)

Genene Valleau, writing as Genie Gabriel said...

Hi, Suzanne!

I too like your word "blegging"! At first I thought "huh"? Then nodded my head and smiled.

I took a peek at "Channeling Erma" as I really, really enjoyed her writing, and will take your advice to tuck the names of the other blogs away for a not-so-sunny day when house projects aren't at the top of my priority list.

Happy autumn!

L. Shepherd said...

Thanks for the mention! I'm a she, for the record...

That's interesting that you, as a romance writer, found my blog. I've been working on two romance novels for awhile now. Who knows if they'll ever see the light of day, but they're certainly fun to work on.

Suzanne Macpherson said...

You're welcome I., and join us! We're a wild bunch with many branches. or grapes. or one of those bunchy things.

Susan said...


Love your post...and your idea of blegging. I seem to do a lot of that :) I'll be keeping your suggestions in mind too, for those days when I need a little umph to get me going :) As for today, I'm off to hunt down and obliterate...er spray weeds in my overgrown grass.

Anonymous said...

I see "blegging" appearing in the next Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. If we all blog about it, certainly it will be under consideration. :) Some interesting blogs you plugged. I'll have to go looking now.

Suzanne Macpherson said...

Thanks Ladies! I did see the word on Wiki later when I did a search, but it referred to something a bit different.

Its been a wild September hasn't it? October is my favorite month. Must do some traveling.